Natural Park of Lake Candia

The flora present in the Par represents 425 species, half of them strictly tied to lake and swamp environments.

From a fauna point of view, the greatest treasure is certainly represented by the bird life: Lake Candia is an important stopping area for wintered and passing birds, there are numerous historical sightings of accidental species such as the pelican the white headed duck, blue herons, wild ducks and many others.

The Park has a headquarters where you find offices, a large meeting room and a laboratory for educational activities.

This last one is managed by the VivereiParchi (Live the parks) association in collaboration with the C.I.R.D.A. (Interdepartmental Centre for educational Research and updating for teachers of the Turin UniversitàdegliStudi) is an avant-garde laboratory, with professional equipment that includes optical stereoscopical microscopes, environmental analysis and monitoring kits, aquariums, measurement instrumentation and nature observation.  The educational options focus on biodiversity and lake environment development, biological monitoring of ecosystems and anthropic impact, flora, fauna and their interaction.

To visit the laboratory it is necessary to contact Park personnel.



Città di Ivrea - - Partita IVA 00519320014