Lake Viverone

The meteorology of Lake Viverone is simple, there are 4 situations: föhn that can reach 50 knots approximately 12 days a year, South East 2-5 knots early afternoon for most of the year, wind coming from Serra during storms or absence of wind. The gushes of wind experience the effet of the coast and have a tendency to change direction frequently. There are possible scuffs and in windy days. The longest side of the lake is 3240 m and therefore it is possible to have regattas as well as naturalistic mini-cruises along the North-West shore, where motorised boating is prohibited. In order to understand turnout in this body of water, consider that there are at least 200 sail boats on the lake or the coast all the time!

Recommended period for the activity: the entire year

For information: AVNO AssociazioneVelica Nord Ovest (North West Sailing Association) 

Strada Statale 228 del Lago di Viverone 3, 10010 Piverone


Città di Ivrea - - Partita IVA 00519320014