Lake Candia

Canoeing is possible at Lake Candià. Surrounded by the morainic hills where the antique towns of Candia Canavese, Vische and Mazzé, the Candia lake is speckled with a thousand colours that change as the seasons progress. It is one of the most precious humid areas of Piedmont and, maybe of Italy, and therefore a protected area was created (provincial institution natural park). There are more than 400 flower species present, among them certain uncommon hydrophilic varieties. From the fauna point of view the greatest treasure is certainly represented by the avifauna. Located in the “South-Western route”, Lake Cadia is in fact an important stopping areas for wintered and passing birds.

Canoeing has been done on the lake since the end of the 19th century.

Recommended period for activity: March/October


Città di Ivrea - - Partita IVA 00519320014