“Tavagnasco – Santa Maria Maddalena ai Piani” Run

The route of the “Tavagnasco - Santa Maria MaddalenaaiPiani” run starts from the church piazza and starts with a short paved uphill section that it leaves almost immediately to enter a mule path that is followed for almost half of the race. The second part of the race takes place on pathways, between chestnut tree plantations, steep fields, beeches and pine forests. After 8 km you reach the small Santa Maria Maddalena church at 1310 m, located on a panoramic terrace on the Dora Valley, with a view of the great Amphitheatre and Valle d’Aosta. In 2011 the “CorsaaiPiani” reached its 60th edition, becoming the longest running mountain race in the area.

Recommended period for the race: normally the third Sunday of July


Città di Ivrea - info.ivrea@turismotorino.org - Partita IVA 00519320014