The traditional IVREA - MOMBARONE RUNNING EVENT starts from Piazza Ottinetti of Ivrea, running along almost the entire corsoCirconvallazione and through via S. Ulderico it reaches the Lake Sirio. Once the lake has been passed, you reach Bienca, through dirt roads and pathways through the woods. Using an old mule track, you climb up to Andrate and go through it using the town centre streets. You continue climbing pathways up to the San Giacomo area and from there you reach Colma del Mombarone, passing in front of the Pinalba, Valneira and Fornelli lodges.. The route is almost completely pointed out with yellow arrows and signs and can therefore be used at any time throughout the year for excursions or practice, unless there is snow present.

Its origins go all the way back to 1922 and its success is connected to the appeal of this race, recognised by both those participating and the spectators.

For information: Polisportiva “Amici del Mombarone”

Via del Borgo 11, 10010 Andrate (To)


Città di Ivrea - info.ivrea@turismotorino.org - Partita IVA 00519320014