Andrate Nordic Walking Park

The paths and old mule track “Andrate Nordic Walking Park” connect Andrate (839 m) with the town of San Giacomo (1229 m) and from here Mombarone

(2371 m) proposing an ecosystem to hikers that is still intact and of rare beauty, something that today represents a harmonious interlayer of woods and clearings while up to mid 60’s it was almost exclusively characterised by grasslands and pastures, with a perfectly organised forage order, serving a self-sufficient economy. The ”Andrate Nordic Walking Park” represents a perfect natural gym for learning and practising NW, offering a great variability of difficulties, difference in altitude, types of base and travel times. It is a true paradise for Nordic Walking!

Indicated period: the entire year

Associazione Sportiva Dilettantistica NordicWalking Andrate

Ivrea Tourism Office

Ivrea Tourism Office hours:

Monday through Friday 9.00 - 13.00 / 15.00 - 17.00 (Thursday afternoon 14.30 - 18.30) 

first Saturday of the month until 19.00 

first Sunday of the month 15.00 - 19.00. 

Phone number 0125.618131



Città di Ivrea - - Partita IVA 00519320014