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Winter Sports

Lake Bertignano

Lake Bertignano is the typical intra-morainic type, that originated from the expansions and retreats of the antique Balteo Glacier. Within the sediment accumulations deposited by the glacier remained trapped by certain water basins, among them the Bertignano one. Thanks to its location, it is less exposed to radiation, especially during the winder period when the sun is low on the horizon. The area is peaceful and easy to reach by car, even in the Winter. …


The Secce

The plains and the intra-morainic peat bogs of Vialfrè are a unique environment. An environment at a 425 m altitude characterised by a cold microclimate with temperatures that in the Winter are similar to those of mid mountain and provide significant snow compared to areas surrounding the AMI. This is one of the frosty hollows, the so called cold air lakes that you can often find in the Baltee intra-morainic valleys that are less exposed to sunshine. This natural …


Torretta Mountain

Torretta Mountain (2182 m) is the shoulder to the more famous Mombarone even if this peak is more interesting for alpine skiing. You start from Trovinasse (1374 m) choosing the best trace from among the typical mountain settlements the area is full of. Going uphill, the itinerary becomes even more evident. At about half of the ascent the terrain becomes steeper: from the pastures you climb mong shrub forests (green alder) to reach the higher part, more open, …


Città di Ivrea - info.ivrea@turismotorino.org - Partita IVA 00519320014